Portmarnock, view of Howth, Co. Dublin, Ireland

I'm Mel ... and I'm an artist.... I always loved to paint, mainly for myself. But thanks to encouraging friends I started to get some of my artwork out there.

January 29, 2011


Bought some colors and also a set of oil crayons the other day to experiment with. Haven't used them before, so this is the first attempt. Inspiration was a photo taken by a friend of mine. Hope you dont mind Lucia ^^

January 20, 2011

From Iceland

Capturing the Iclandic beauty. Amazing landscape paintings by the artist Tolli.


January 13, 2011

Exhibition in Vakiopaine, Jyväskylä, Finland!

Few of my paintings and beautiful photographs of Junko's (http://junkondo.blogspot.com/) are on display until the 6th of February in the bar Vakiopaine in Jyväskylä, Finland. If you fancy a beer drop by and have a look ^^



Four of my artworks have moved during the last months and I'm more than happy about it. Three found a new home in and around Dublin.

And one of my firsts and faveourites, the sleeping lion, made its way all the way up to Oulu, Finland :)